
The module supports a wide range of electrochemical methods, for instance Chronoamperometry, Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). This makes the combined measurement system perfect for studying applications in corrosion, electrodeposition, battery studies and more. The QCM-D measurement will provide additional information to assess deposition, removal and change in material properties driven by electrochemical processes.

It comes as a 3-electrode system where the reference electrode port can be capped off to provide a 2-electrode system. The standard configuration is designed for aqueous experiments, while optional high resistance sealing gaskets in Kalrez make it compatible with harsh chemicals, e.g. organic electrolytes. The system can be provided with a custom connection for use inside a glovebox. The module is compatible with most potentiostats.*


* Notes on potentiostat:

1. Potentiostat needs to be fitted with 4 mm lab plug connectors.
2. Floating-ground capacity is a benefit but not required.
3. QEM 401 module design limits the operation range of EIS to a maximum frequency                            around 10-100 kHz.


General specifications
Compatibility Compatible with all QSense sensors, QSense Explorer, Analyzer and Pro (via an add-on Explorer chamber)
Internal cell volume Total ~125 μl
Flow channel ~25 μl, above sensor ~100 μl
Type of measurements  Flow or stationary liquid measurements
Maximum temperature 40 °C
Materials exposed to the liquid Teflon® (tubing and flow channels), Platinum (counter electrode), Viton® (standard O-rings) or Kalrez® (high resistance O-rings), Polyurethane-based polymer (reference electrode)
Cleaning All parts may be disassembled for separate cleaning, except the module base contacting the chamber platform
Dimensions Height: 46 mm; Width: 35 mm; Depth: 63 mm
Delivered with: all necessary accessories including cables, and fittings.
Working electrode The QCM-D sensor itself
Counter electrode Platinum plate
Reference electrode  World Precision Instruments low leakage, Dri-Ref-2SH **
Ag/AgCl, 3M KCl. Alternative reference electrodes can be used as long as they fit the diameter of the mounting hole.
Sensor (WE)
Fundamental frequency ~5 MHz
Electrode area exposed to electrolyte 0.97 cm2 (Ø 11.1 mm)
Thickness (sensor + Au) 340 µm
Roughness of optically polished electrode surface < 3 nm (RMS)
Dri-Ref 2SH (RE)
Length 2.54 cm (1.2 in.)
Diameter 2 mm
Construction  Isoplast™
Liquid Junction Frit Vycor
Lead length 76 cm (30 in.)
Connector 2 mm pin
Resistance (typical) 2.7 KΩ
Filling Solution KCI
Leakage (mL/hr) ~5.7x10-8
** For further information about Dri-Ref-2SH, refer to World Precision Instrument’s webpage: www.wpiinc.com



  • All QSense sensors
  • QSense Explorer
  • QSense Analyzer
  • QSense Pro (via an add-on Explorer chamber)