This module provides you with optical access to the sensor surface through a sapphire window, enabling experiments with light-induced reactions and combination with live imaging techniques. The compact design of the Explorer chamber enables microscopic analysis of the sensor surface since the unit will fit on most microscope stages. It is an appreciated add-on in fluorescence microscopy applications. The standard configuration includes Viton O-rings, but this can be upgraded to Kalrez to enable work with more harsh chemicals.
General specifications
Compatible with all QSense sensors, QSense Explorer, Analyzer and Pro (via an add-on Explorer chamber)
Internal volume
100 μl (above the sensor)
Type of measurements
Flow or stagnant liquid measurements
Maximum temperature
80 °C
1 mm thick Sapphire
Window dimensions
16.6 mm x 7.2 mm
Materials exposed to the liquid
Viton® (standard O-ring) or Kalrez® (high resistance O-ring), titanium (flow path) and Sapphire (glass)
All parts may be disassembled for separate cleaning, except the module base contacting the chamber platform