The quality of the data produced by an analytical instrument is crucial and noise and drift play a significant role in determining the outcome.
Learn the guidelines on how to assess which method to use to quantify QCM mass.
Learn about what aspects to consider when setting up your QCM measurement
Learn more about QSense 4th generation QCM-D platform
Temperature stability is critical for reliable QCM data. Here are the top four factors that will help you eliminate temperature induced artifacts.
Sensitivity vs Limit of detection (LOD) - read about how they compare and why one is more imoprtant than the other.
Learn about lipid nanoparticle designs for drug delivery purposes and related research
Read about the key signatures in the QCM data that reveal if viscoelastic modelling should be used to extract the mass.
Viscoelasticity is a quality involving both viscous and elastic properties at the same time.