Learn more about Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring technology, QCM-D, from a user perspective.
The range of technologies that could be used in a biointerfaces lab is vast. We talked to Dr. Jenny Malmstrom, University of Auckland to learn more.
Light interaction with matter is an important part of our everyday lives. We talked to Prof. Magnus Jonsson at Linköping University, to learn more.
Learn about the difference between primary and secondary batteries, and about battery performance indicators.
Read about the benefits of Li-ion batteries and why the invention was awarded the Nobel prize
This is what we learned about the fascinating area of nanomedicines when we talked to Dr. Gustav Emilsson, who is working with nanomedicine development
Read about the different components in cleaning products and how they work on a molecular level.
Learn more about how Lipid Envelope Antiviral Disruption (LEAD) maybe could be used in the future to address infectious disease such as Zika, Dengue and Hepatitis C.