By integrating QCM-D and electrochemistry into EQCM-D, it is possible to answer questions that neither technique could address alone.
Webinar introducing the energy transition and key electrochemical energy conversion technologies
Read about the working principles of electrochemistry and where it is typically used.
Read about how EQCM and EQCM-D are used in battery development and help researchers take battery performance to the next level.
Read about how QSense EQCM-D analysis was used to explore the build-up, evolution, and mechanical properties of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI).
Read about how QSense EQCM-D, Electrochemical Quartz Crystal microbalance with Dissipation monitoring, was used to analyse new battery electrode materials.
QSense EQCM-D is used in battery research. We have compiled a list of recent publications.