The term surfactant comes from the word surface active agent. At the interface, they align themselves so that the hydrophobic part is in the air and the hydrophilic part is in water. This will cause a decrease in surface or interfacial tensions.
Surface tension plays an important role in Li-ion battery slurry optimization.
Surface tension plays an important role in the electroplating solution.
When measuring contact angles or making surface tension measurements with a pendant drop, selecting the correct tip or needle for your liquid is crucial.
The surface tension of water is about 72 mN/m at room temperature which is one of the highest surface tension for liquid.
Surface tension is a quantitative measure that can be correlated with a solution’s ability to remove dirt.
Surface tension and wettability are important physical properties that play a significant role in the effectiveness of agrochemicals.
Explains three different methods to measure surface tension.
The blog post describes what is surface tension and why is surface tension important in many industrial processes