Read about Prof. Jackman's experience using QCM-D to study surfactant-interaction with model membranes
Read about Prof. Jackman's experience using QCM-D in the field of membrane biophysics.
Watch the webinar to learn more about how to combine QCM-D and Neutron reflectrometry to examine membrane biochemistry at the solid-liquid Interface
Read about two cases where QSense QCM-D technology was used to explore viral membrane disruption and an antiviral strategy towards pandemic preparedness.
To characterize model membrane platforms, such as vesicles, monolayers, and bilayers, it is often necessary to use more than one analysis method.
Learn about how QSense QCM-D is used to monitor vesicle interaction with solid substrates and to characterize surface-adsorbed vesicle layers.
Learn more about how Lipid Envelope Antiviral Disruption (LEAD) maybe could be used in the future to address infectious disease such as Zika, Dengue and Hepatitis C.
Here we describe what makes QCM-D particularly suitable for this kind of analysis and show what a typical measurement can look like.
Get on top of the key facts and fundamentals of the lipid bilayer formation process with our selected list of 8 publications.