Learn about how QSense QCM-D is used to monitor vesicle interaction with solid substrates and to characterize surface-adsorbed vesicle layers.
Learn more about what information QCM-D, Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring technology, offers
In the context of QCM-based instrumentation, 'dissipation' or ‘damping’ are often mentioned. Read about what these concepts mean, and why are they relevant.
QCM-D and QCM-R both collect information about the energy loss. Read about how these thow methods compare.
Read about how QSense QCM-D was used to analyze virus interaction with different materials found in indoor built environments
Recent research results could help designing formulations better stabilized against protein aggregation, one of the main challenges in pharmaceutical development. QSense QCM-D analysis helped piecing the puzzle together
Read about how and why the QCM fundamental frequency matters in measurements
Read about how QSense technology is used to analyze contaminant adsorption and desorption, and to compare the efficiency of post CMP-cleaners.
Learn how to assess a QCM-specification and how to compare performance and data quality between different instruments